History and civics ch 7 The making of composite culture Question answer part- 1| Bhakti movement:- Tech World

History and civics ch 7 The making of composite culture Question answer part- 1| Bhakti movement:- Tech World 

A. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

 Q1.Mention two ways in which people in the mediaeval period could escape social discrimination based on caste.

Answer:- During mediaeval period two ways in which people could escape social discrimination are:- the lower castes  were denied social privileges
The lower castes were not allowed to enter temples.

Q2. What are Deva Ram and Divya Pradhan?

Answer:- The collection of hymns. composed by Alwar Saints is called Deva Pradhan. The collection of hymns composed by nayanar Saints is called Devaram.
Bhakti movement

Q3. At which places did Shankaracharya setup centres of learning and worship?

Answer:- Shankaracharya set up centre of learning and worship at Badrinath Puri Dwarka and Sringeri.

Q4. What kind of work is is jnaneswari ?who is its author?

Answer:- Jnaneswari is a kind of Marathi commentary on the book Bhagavad Gita. It is written by jnaneshwar.

Q5. Name any two works of devotional literature composed by bhakti saints of North India.

 Answer:- The two works of the emotional literature are:- namghar and sursagar. 

Q6. Difference between Saguna and nirguna bhakti. 

Answer:- Bhakti saints preached devotion to a personal God either with form that is SaGuna aur without any form that is Nirgun.

Q7. What is the origin of the term Sufi?

Answer:- The word Sufi is derived from suff meaning wool. Sufis where so called because they wore coarse garments made of wool.

Q8. What do you understand by the term khanqah?

Answer:- Sufi saints lead simple lives in khankah which resembled monasteries. Peoples from all walks of life gathered at Khankah.

Q9. Write about the language used in Kabir verses?

Answer:- Kabir verses where composed in the Bhojpuri language mixed with a newly evolved language called urdu.

Q10. Name the Sufi orders that became popular in India.

Answer:- The Sufi orders that became popular in India are:- Christi order established by Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti.
Suhrawadi order founded by Sheikh Bahar Uddin jakaria.

Q11. How did the Urdu language develop?

Answer:- The new language called Urdu evolved India army camps due to the mixing of Persian with regional languages. By this way Urdu came to be widely used especially in towns and cities.

Notes time:-

  • The term Bhakti means devotion.
  • The worship of God with a form called sugguna bhakti.
  • The worship of God without any form that is nirguna Bhakti.
  • The Saints Who worshipped Lord Vishnu call Vishnavas.
  • The Saints who worship Lord Shiva called shaivas.
  • The Bhakti movement began in South India around the 7th century Hindi Vishnu and Shiva temple.
  • Deva Ram and Divya Pradhan  are collections of naya Nar and Alwar hymns.
  • The term hagiographies means biographical hymns in praise of saints.

Quiz time:-